Wellcome, Palgrave Macmillan, Open-Access Monograph Project
Reported by Jennifer Howard in the 19 Nov. 2013 Chronicle of Higher Education:
Last May the Wellcome Trust, a leading British sponsor of biomedical research,expanded its support for open access to include monographs as well as journal articles. In partnership with the trust, Palgrave Macmillan has just put out its first open-access monograph—a notable step, albeit not a cheap one, toward expanding open-access monograph-publishing options for researchers.
The monograph is a history-of-medicine study, Fungal Disease in Britain and the United States, 1850-2000, by Aya Homei and Michael Worboys. Digital copies of the book can be downloaded free from Palgrave Connect or retailers like Amazon.com, thanks to the Wellcome Trust’s having stepped up to cover Palgrave’s publication charges of £11,000 (about $17,700 at current exchange rates).
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