CFS: Graphic Treatment: Zombies, Medicine, and Comics

This interdisciplinary call for papers invites proposals for an edited volume on zombies in comics and graphic novels through the lens of medical discourse. Like many tropes in science fiction, the zombie crosses discursive boundaries to become a metaphor used…

CFP: Medical Imaging II: Medical Narratives in Late Modern Popular Culture

CFP: Medical Imaging II: Medical Narratives in Late Modern Popular Culture (September 11th/12th 2014, Ulm University, Germany) In recent decades, Popular Culture has increasingly become the engine of social and cultural change. It also takes constitutive influence on the design…

CFP: Practicing Public Health: Europe, 1300-1700 (Medici Archive Conf)

CALL FOR PAPERS: Practicing Public Health: Europe, 1300-1700 Practicing Public Health: Europe, 1300-1700, a conference organized by John Henderson and G. Geltner Sponsored by the Medici Archive Project & Villa I Tatti – The Harvard University Center for Renaissance Studies,  Florence,…

Narrative Epidemiology (Wm & Mary 4terly)

Concerning our shared interests in literature and medicine (or literature and health, or humanities and medicine, or humanities and health, or culture and health, or culture and the body . . .), the most recent issue of William and Mary…

CFP: On Medicine: Performance Research

Call for Proposals Performance Research 19.4 (August 2014): ‘On Medicine’ Proposal Deadline: 20 January 2014 (see below for details) Issue Editors: Martin O’Brien (University of Reading) and Gianna Bouchard (Anglia Ruskin University) The aim of this issue of Performance Research is to…

CFP: Health, Culture and the Human Body

CALL FOR ABSTRACTS The 3rd international and interdisciplinary conference on Health, Culture and the Human Body Epidemiology, ethics and history of medicine, perspectives from Turkey and Central Europe Istanbul, Turkey, 11-13 September 2014 Advances in science-based medicine have greatly increased the range of applications to the body and…

Society for the Social History of Medicine 2014 Conference: Disease, Health, and the State

Society for the Social History of Medicine 2014 Conference: Disease, Health, and the State  10-12 July 2014, Oxford, UK The Centre for Health, Medicine and Society: Past and Present, Oxford Brookes University and the Wellcome Unit for the History of Medicine,…

CFP: Alternative Psychiatric Narratives

Call for Papers: Alternative Psychiatric Narratives Friday 16 and Saturday 17 May 2014, Birkbeck College, University of London Chair: Professor Joanna Bourke, Birkbeck In recent years, historians of psychiatry have heeded Roy Porter’s call to produce psychiatric histories from the…

Wellcome, Palgrave Macmillan, Open-Access Monograph Project

Reported by Jennifer Howard in the 19 Nov. 2013 Chronicle of Higher Education: Last May the Wellcome Trust, a leading British sponsor of biomedical research,expanded its support for open access to include monographs as well as journal articles. In partnership with…

CFP: 6th Annual Medicine & Humanities & Social Sciences Conference

Call for Proposals The 6th Annual Medicine and the Humanities and Social Sciences Conference San Houston State University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Huntsville, Texas February 27-28 2014 The College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Sam Houston State University invites…

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